donderdag, januari 24, 2008


Men heeft het altijd over moslimfundamentalisten maar in het landje van Bush loopt er ook wat rond. Men heeft er 'the bible belt', katholieke staten waar je als atheist, homo, zwarte, vrouw, voorstander evolutietheorie niet echt welkom bent.

HIER kan je 100 berichten lezen die men terugvindt op religieuze klotechatboxen.

Mijn bloed begint te koken als ik zoveel zever lees. Enkele voorbeelden

(about a girl being born with mental disabilities)

This girl is like a leper so what she needs to do is try and find god. If she really believes she can be healed from this state, she will be healed from this state.

Most afflictions like this are caused by sins committed while still inside the womb. If she can repent for what she does god will embrace her and make her as human as you or me but if she chooses not to she'll always be like this

god tests every one of us

I honestly don't care about your rights. If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake and or cast into a river with weights tied to their ankles and or placed before the firing squad, etc etc etc.

Talking about an eleven year old girl who was raped and then buried alive

god was sacrificing this child as a way to show others the light. much as he did his own child. what a beautiful gift he has given us.

Marriage entitles sexual relations biblically. If the WIFE resists there could be PHYSICAL ABUSE CHARGES (yesterday), but not RAPE biblically because her body is NOT her own after marriage, but the husbands.

That's like saying you just STOLE something from a store that you legally had paid for in full.

Logic to the contrary is also proof that America has been feminized, sad, but true. Repent ye double minded.

1 opmerking:

  1. Anoniem11:32 a.m.

    STOOOOOOP! Ik kan daarn niet tegen.
    Achterlijken !!!!!!!!!!!!
